Since 2014 I have been assisting students and families through the college search, application and financial aid process. I first became “hooked” on Higher Ed a few years earlier, trying to answer my sons’ questions as they navigated the college process as students at Reno High School: where, like most public high schools, college counseling resources are scarce due to high student-to-counselor caseloads.
The more that I learned the more questions I had…so I enrolled in a graduate College Counseling Certification Program at UCLA Extension which filled the holes that my personal experience left. My practicum led me to Reno High School where I began a College Club in 2014 and then was hired full-time in 2015. I had the benefit at Reno High School of working with an array of students with different backgrounds and goals. I left the Washoe County School District in 2020 to focus my energy on private consulting and to more fully support under-resourced students.
My professional experience, outside of Higher Ed, is as a marketer, working in advertising in San Francisco, and entrepreneur, starting and managing a corporate gift business (as well as co-founding Race178 with my husband Eric). My passion is helping students find their exciting next step by giving them the confidence and courage to explore what is out there.
Active member of NACAC (National Association for College Admissions Counseling)